Status update, October 2023

Status update
Latest news from FEGA Sweden.

Markus Englund


October 6, 2023

Since our last status update, the European Genome-phenome Archive (EGA) has launched several new services, which include for example an updated Submitter Portal and a completely new DAC (Data Access Committee) Portal. This is great news, but involves some more work from our side. We have just completed the first round of acceptance testing.

What happens next?

We are now entering a new phase where we will test data submission with a realistic synthetic (non-sensitive) dataset. When this testing has been completed, we will start uploading real data from one of our submission pilots. The plan is then to continue with the submission requests on our waiting list. At this moment we are unable to specify a date for when this will happen.

If you have any questions, please write to the FEGA Sweden Helpdesk.